Taxi Transfer and Travel Information

We are very happy to help you with your travel arrangements. Our accommodation and welfare officer can arrange a taxi meeting service that takes students effortlessly from their point of arrival or to their point of exit. The taxi reservation is made by OISE Oxford and charged on the course invoice. Please see the table below for the taxi transfer costs.

All the major airports and the Eurostar terminal are served by an excellent public transport system so students can get to Oxford both quickly and easily. Train and bus prices are shown below, but tickets cannot always be reserved; payment is made by the student before boarding the bus or train.

The prices below are for 2015:

Taxi Transfer* Bus** Train**
Heathrow £137 £29 £40x
Gatwick Airport £177 £37 £35x
St. Pancras £220 £30x £35x
Luton Airport £200 £24 £50x
Stansted Airport £220 £36 £55x

* = one way  ** = return   x = not direct
Please note: taxi, airport bus and train prices are approximate

Useful travel links:

Heathrow & Gatwick Airport bus information
Heathrow bus timetable
Gatwick bus timetable
Stansted & Luton bus information

National Train Information & Tickets
Heathrow Express Train
Gatwick Express Train


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