Showing posts with label Vocabulary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vocabulary. Show all posts

Tuesday 4 September 2012

British Vs. American Vocabulary

British vs American vocabulary

Many people learn English from watching American films and TV shows and pick up words that we don't use in Britain. Take a look at the 10 words below to see what we would say instead:

British        American

Biscuit    =       Cookie

Chips     =        Fries

Sweets    =     Candy

Film      =          Movie

Petrol     =        Gas

Lift       =           Elevator

Post       =        Mail

Rubbish    =     Trash/garbage

Torch =       Flashlight

Trousers   =     Pants

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Monday 3 September 2012

Friday 10 August 2012

Basic Mathematical Vocabulary

Basic Mathematical Vocabulary

+ plus
Example:  2 + 2 (Two plus two)

- minus
Example: 6 - 4 (Six minus four)

x OR *  times
Example: 5 x 3   OR   5 * 3  (Five times three)

/ OR ÷ divided by
Example: 4 / 2 OR 4 ÷ 2 (Four divided by two)

=  equals
Example: 2 + 2 = 4 (Two plus two equals four)

1/2 One half
1/3 One third
1/4 One quarter
% Percent

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