21/10/13 - Today's Simile
'as clear as mud'
Meaning: Very confusing and unclear
Example: My Latin teacher explained this grammar point several times but it is still (as) clear as mud to me!
NB: Often the first 'as' is omitted in spoken English.
29/03/13 - Today's Simile
'as busy as a cat on a hot tin roof'
Meaning: Very busy
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5 similes you need to know
1. As flat as a pancake
Example: Peter sat on my hat and now it's as flat as a pancake.
2. As blind as a bat
Example: I doubt Grandad will notice. He's as blind as a bat.
3. As dry as a bone
Example: I think mum must have overcooked the turkey - it's as dry as a bone.
4. As cool as a cucumber
(Meaning: calm, especially in a difficult situation)
Example: I was really nervous about the exam but Annie was as cool as a cucumber.
5. As bright as a button
(Meaning: intelligent and lively)
Example:My niece is only 6 years old but she's as bright as a button.
For more, visit: http://www.englishclub.com/vocabulary/figures-similes-list.htm
'as clear as mud'
Meaning: Very confusing and unclear
Example: My Latin teacher explained this grammar point several times but it is still (as) clear as mud to me!
NB: Often the first 'as' is omitted in spoken English.
29/03/13 - Today's Simile
'as busy as a cat on a hot tin roof'
Meaning: Very busy
Click here to return to the Language Lab home page
5 similes you need to know
A simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two different things, usually by employing the words "like" or "as".
The usual format of a simile is: to be as.........as a.............

Example: Peter sat on my hat and now it's as flat as a pancake.
2. As blind as a bat
Example: I doubt Grandad will notice. He's as blind as a bat.
3. As dry as a bone
Example: I think mum must have overcooked the turkey - it's as dry as a bone.
4. As cool as a cucumber
(Meaning: calm, especially in a difficult situation)
Example: I was really nervous about the exam but Annie was as cool as a cucumber.
5. As bright as a button
(Meaning: intelligent and lively)
Example:My niece is only 6 years old but she's as bright as a button.
For more, visit: http://www.englishclub.com/vocabulary/figures-similes-list.htm
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