Wednesday 4 September 2013

Views on the Great British Brew (AKA tea)

For centuries, tea has played a pivotal part in British culture. We are the largest consumers of tea in the world. We love it. Sip here, sip there, sip everywhere. But why do we love it so much? We ask four experienced OISE Oxford tea drinkers what the fuss is all about?

So Will, why do you love it so much?

"Personally, I never have a cup of tea by myself. It's not just about the cup, it's about the company. Drinking tea is a fantastic communal activity from which a great little chinwag can be created."

And Sam, what is it about tea that floats your boat?

"Tea, sweet-lovely-kind-tea, I love a cup of tea! I love tea at any point of the day, anywhere! I love a cup of tea first thing in the morning with my muesli, I love a cup of tea with cake, I love a cup of tea on a long train journey. I love tea. I love the way it is so comforting and so perfectly joyful."

Jo, I know you're a massive tea drinker. Why do you like it so much?

"There is nothing like a cup of tea to get me up in the morning and to keep me going at regular intervals throughout the day. It’s irreplaceable – a coffee or a glass of water just doesn't have the same effect! I particularly enjoy it accompanied by a slice of cake or a biscuit (or two)."

Last, but certainly not least, Stephen Smith, what are your views on the subject?
"The cup that cheers but not inebriates!" Ok, thanks Stephen!


  1. And the best tea in Oxford can be found at Cardews in the Covered Market. Ask for James!

  2. A wonderful beverage and too easy to underestimate in these days of coffee baristas...
