Wednesday 7 November 2012

Monumental Day, Monumental Men..

Today is a monumental day in American politics. Obama has successfully been re-elected as president of the United States. This was met with a very positive reaction by all of the staff and students at OISE Oxford. Of course, here at OISE Oxford, we are extremely interested in political leaders. After all, 26 of Britain's Prime Ministers were educated at Oxford University. Interestingly enough, 50% of Britain's 26 Prime Ministers attended Christ Church College, a stone's throw away from our school (see map below):

But if you're thinking it's only British leaders that were educated at Oxford, think again. Bill Clinton also studied here, along with leaders from India, Japan, Trinidad and Tobago among other countries. And let's not ignore the fact that several of OISE Oxford's legendary tutors studied among the great world leaders at Oxford University. 

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