Monday 10 December 2012

December - the perfect month for a swim?

While most of us are piling on the layers at this time of year, others have been stripping off this weekend for the so-called ‘December Dip’ at the Parliament Hill Lido in North London. Hundreds of brave bathers gathered on Saturday for the Outdoor Swimming Society’s 6th annual swim and having just shaved off his Movember moustache, my husband felt this was the ideal opportunity for a new sponsored challenge! The atmosphere was buzzing with a brass band playing cheery tunes as the daredevil bathers (some sporting tinsel trunks) psyched themselves up for the plunge. Since water temperatures at this time of year are barely above freezing, swimmers are advised to take cold showers in preparation for the event to prepare their body for the shock. On Saturday, the water was 3˚C (not quite as painful as 2010’s 0.1˚C when there was snow on the ground!) but most could only manage a couple of widths before their limbs gave up the ghost. The organisers claim that the icy dip can result in a high that lasts for days due to the release of pain-killing endorphins. My husband was not so convinced - “They said that it would feel great afterwards. They lied.” I can’t say I envied him as he nursed his numb extremities.

If you fancy taking the plunge, visit the Outdoor Swimming Society’s website for more details: 

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