Monday 3 December 2012

Mega Monday Madness! (All I want for Christmas...)

As we have now entered the festive month of December, the argument of when is an appropriate time to start talking about Christmas is now well and truly something of the past. The hubbub, hustle and bustle is now underway as shoppers are officially on their mission to find the perfect little Christmas present for their husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, lovers, brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers etc.

Today is a particularly significant day in the shopping calender as it is the first Monday in December (dubbed Mega Monday). 'It has become the trading high point of the year for online operators because it is normally the first opportunity for shoppers to open their wallets and get out their payment cards after the arrival of the last pay packet before Christmas.'1

So what are you waiting for? Get your credit cards at the ready and head to the high street for an evening of shopping, frenzy and frolics!

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