Wednesday 5 December 2012

Technology gone bonkers!

More and more people are becoming dependent on their mobile phones. Whether it be for checking their emails, tweeting nonsense, buying plane tickets or taking photos of their favourite OISE Oxford teachers. 

We have reached a stage now where it is hard to tear people away from their phones. It's actually quite difficult to have a conversation with someone between the age of 15 and 50 without them getting out their mobile telephone to check the weather or to take a peek at the latest Facebook updates.

Technology is developing at such a rate that it's hard to keep up. Next thing you know they'll be bringing out a bendy phone that can project films and TV documentaries on their friend's foreheads! Wait a second, I think these kind of phones may already exist!

Click on the image below to read more about some of the new technology coming our in 2013!

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