Wednesday 27 February 2013

Freedom of Speech – Be Careful What You Tweet

The internet is an extremely powerful tool that has given a voice to many. The day’s news is not only announced in newspapers, but also through a plethora of digital media platforms. It has given anyone and everyone the opportunity to spread the news and make their personal opinions heard.

Twitter has to be the best of the digital bunch as you can pick exactly what source you receive updates from. Furthermore, thanks to the 140 character limit it takes only a few seconds to know where the information is coming from and whether the subject will be of interest to you. 

But how much freedom does one actually have to express their views and share the information they have? 

Every day there are an increasing number of people being prosecuted for sharing confidential information on the web, so much so that they have now made a Twitter user’s ‘Guide to the law’.   Click on the image to below to read more.

What are you views on creating a 'Guide to the law' for social media platforms? 
Do you fear that these laws will become too restrictive? 

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