Wednesday 13 March 2013

Don't pack away the woolly jumpers yet!

Despite the fact that all the clothes shops are full of spring/summer clothing, it really is not the time for embracing these new trends as Britain is on course for the coldest March in 17 years.  Forecasters are predicting that temperatures will struggle below average for the rest of the month.

Monday was the coldest March day in almost 30 years as temperatures dropped below -9C.
Whilst in Aberdeen almost 2inches of snow fell, where in some areas on the east coast had around an inch.

Leon Brown, meteorologist at The Weather Channel, said that as it was looking unlikely we would see above normal temperatures for the rest of the month is was “likely to be the coldest March since 2006 and perhaps 1996.

The Met Office has placed the whole of England on amber alert until midnight tonight, meaning that there is a "100 per cent probability of severe cold weather or icy conditions".

There are yellow warnings for snow in place across large parts of Scotland, the North East and the East Midlands and the east coast which last into tomorrow.

Forecaster Helen Chivers said: “Most places overnight are going to have quite a heavy frost, with temperatures between -5C and -7C. There is a risk of ice.”  Time to get the hot water bottle out!

It is too early to predict the temperatures over the Easter weekend, but the Met Office’s long term outlook looks bleak.  The cold is set to remain at least until April 10, with conditions "wetter than normal" in the South and West of the country.  Oh groan - I think personally I would prefer the cold to rain...

However, on a happy note the temperatures are likely to pick up tomorrow, but will hover around three degrees below average at still keep that scarf and hat at hand!

Photograph: Sheep graze on a snow-covered field in Teesdale, the North Pennines


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