Thursday 21 March 2013

Many Happy Returns Twitter!

Jack Dorsey, Twitter's co-founder, sent the first ever tweet, on March 21  2006.  Dorsey posted on, Twitter, or Twttr as it was known at the time: "just setting up my twttr".

In the seven years since that tweet, more than 200 million people have joined Twitter and the social networking website now sees 400 million tweets sent every day.  Indeed, OISE Oxford has joined that merry Twitter band and enjoys tweeting on daily basis.

According to a survey published earlier this week, the most popular topic to tweet about is television, with 40 per cent of evening tweets concerning what is on television.  The survey also found that women talk more on Twitter about personal matters, television and work, while men are more likely to tweet about sport gaming and news.  At OISE Oxford we like to tweet about the English language.  Whilst my personal account is more a diary of woes! What do you like to tweet about?

Top Twitter Tip Bits

• Each message posted on Twitter can be up to 140 characters long, including web addresses, user names and hashtags

• There are 200 million active Twitter users worldwide

• Every day 400 million tweets are sent every day

• It took three years, two months and one day for the first billion tweets to be sent

• There are 10 million users in the UK, and 80% of them access Twitter via their mobile phones

• Of Twitter's global users, 60% check the service on their phones

• Some 40% of Twitter users choose not to write any tweets themselves, but use the platform to follow news and interests

The happiest of birthday wishes to Twitter, happy tweeting!

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