Thursday 28 March 2013

The Queen visits Oxford

Today, the Queen and Prince Philip have attended the Royal Maundy Service at Christ Church Cathedral.  Her Majesty wore a vibrant cobalt blue outfit.  Crowds had gathered with Union Jacks to welcome the royals who travelled to Oxford by royal helicopter then chauffeured to the historic centre by royal limousine.

Her Majesty distributed Maundy money to 87 men and 87 women from Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire to mark the Queen's 87 years of age.  The recipients are all pensioners and recommended by clergy and ministers, in recognition of service to the church and to the Oxford community.

The royal service is the first at the cathedral in St Aldate's since Charles I's reign in the 17th century.  Every year the Queen visits a cathedral to make the presentation on Maundy Thursday in a ceremony that dates back to the 13th century.  The Queen decided at the beginning of her reign that the service should take place at a different venue every year.  The Queen has distributed Maundy on all but four occasions since her coronation in 1952, but this is the first time she has done so in Oxford.

Following the service the royal party attended a reception at the Deanery and had lunch at Oriel College. They left Oxford by helicopter just before 3pm.  

One of OISE Oxford's treasured tutors, Stephen Smith, had a great advantage spot of the Queen entering Oriel College.  He was interviewed by the Oxford Mail about the royal occasion.  We all hope it will make next week's paper!

Royal Maundy Service Facts

  • Each recipient receives two purses, one red and one white
  • The red purse will contain a £5 coin and 50 pence coin commemorating the 60th anniversary of The Queen's Coronation
  • The white purse will contain uniquely minted Maundy Money. This takes the form of silver one, two, three and four penny pieces, the sum of which equals the number of years the Monarch has years of age.
  • This year there will be 87 pennies-worth distributed.
  • All the coins are newly minted this year.
Above the Queen in Oxford today


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