Monday 1 April 2013

It's April Fools' don't you know?

April Fools' takes place on the first of April. While its origins are uncertain, some see it as an opportunity to celebrate the changing of seasons. Others simply see it as a day of jest. As we have not noted any physical evidence that we are entering a new season (the weather here in the UK has been pretty abysmal as of late!), perhaps we should just forget the season reason and focus on the more humorous aspects the day.

Adding to the humorous feel good factor of April Fools', most businesses allow their employees to take the day off as it is also a bank holiday. Among some of the other European countries that have a public holiday today is France, Belgium, Ireland and Italy.

As many of you will already know, April Fools’ Day is about making other people look stupid with practical jokes. Rather than list some of the fabricated stories and pranks people play on each other, we thought it would be more interesting to read about ridiculous stories that are actually true.  Click on the image below to read more.

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