Thursday 16 May 2013

Oh Sigh!

Hertford Bridge, or more popularly known as the Bridge of Sighs is one of Oxford's most famous landmarks. The distinctive skyway joins two parts of Hertford College over New College Lane.

A popular question is the bridge over New College Lane really based on one in Venice? And the answer is no! The Hertford Bridge, designed by Thomas Jackson and built in 1913, does not bear much resemblance to Venice's Bridge of Sighs. The bridge links the college's Old and New Quadrangles. It is always open to members of the College, who can often be seen crossing it.

It is conveniently located near the entrance to one of Oxford's most famous pubs - The Turf Tavern. So following a photograph or two, you can quickly head to this traditional pub and have a pint or two in its spacious beer garden.


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