Friday 10 May 2013

Running Shoes at the ready

So this weekend is just all about running in Oxford.  

Tomorrow, four of our most athletic students will be heading to Oxford University Parks to take part in the Oxford Fun Run, organised by Oxford Rotary Club.  These four intrepid runners/keen English language students will be running 5km.  The race will be followed by a slap up BBQ.  So there are just so many reasons to go and watch or possibly partake.  Get to the University Parks before 11am to be involved.

This race will be followed on Sunday by the Oxford Town and Gown.  Voted one of the best road races in the UK, the Oxford Town and Gown gives runners the unique opportunity to run through the closed streets of Oxford city centre, passing historic sites and ending in the beautiful university parks.  This race is typically very popular with OISE members.  Our very own, Kit Villiers, is always a very keen participant (though sadly not this year, due to holiday commitments, boo).  All the best to the OISE runners, a special mentions goes to Ward Lincoln!  It is looking like a very popular running option this year, with more than double the number of runners compared to last year.  

For all Oxford runners this weekend, perhaps read this article about one of the greatest runners in history, Haile Gebreslassie, to be inspired.

Get your trainers on.  

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