Monday 1 July 2013

Hot, hot, hot!

Hold onto your hats (straw hats would be the best option)! I have a good news UK weather story for you. It looks like summer is heading our way. It maybe finally time to pack away those wool jumpers and get out some t-shirts! Oh yes! At last its time to reveal the pale limbs for some vitamin D. At OISE Oxford we recommend you don't forget the sun cream.

Weather forecasters are predicting that the UK could enjoy warm weather for the rest of July. They have reported that a buildup of high pressure will lead to fine weather across the UK, resulting in below-average rainfall and above-average temperatures. A few outbreaks of rain are expected between now and Friday, but then the warmer weather is expected to return and stay right through into August.

With parts of Britain experiencing the hottest day of the year so far yesterday, thoughts of one of the coldest springs on record could soon be a distant memory.

I thoroughly recommend reading the BBC's monthly weather outlook, it really is heart warming.

Source: Guardian

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