Thursday 11 July 2013

Riding High

So with the sun shining brightly over most of Britain and with all the sporting success of last weekend, Britain is having a glorious start to the summer. All this success has been spotted 'down under' and the Australian media have been warning Australians that they should reconsider visiting Britain to avoid having to cringe in the face of overflowing British pride!

Just a year after the London Olympics, which was deemed equal to or better than Sydney's in 2000, Australians have had to endure a loss to the British Lions in rugby and watched in envy as Andy Murray won Wimbledon and Chris Froome extended his Tour de France lead. The media have been preparing Austrailians for a new era in which British sportsmen are no longer "pasty-faced plodders" who "make countries like Australia feel better about themselves", as commentator Robert Craddock wrote in the Herald Sun.

Lets see who fares best in the Ashes... Check out this link to be in the know.

Source: The Telegraph

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