Monday 29 July 2013

Typically English Traits (AKA TETs)

When you think of the English public, what would you say are their typical traits? Here's a list of 30 typically English traits that are ALL true:

1.    A love of pubs
2.    Love of Sunday Roast
3.    Talking about the weather
4.    A soothing cup of tea to ease worries
5.    A stiff upper lip
6.    Moaning
7.    Queuing
8.    Watching soaps
9.    DIY on a Bank Holiday
10.    Eating meat and two veg
11.    Saying sorry
12.    Enjoying satire and wit
13.    Sarcasm
14.    Irony
15.    Not wanting to ‘make a fuss’
16.    A love of bargains
17.    Gossiping with neighbours over the garden fence
18.    Obsession with traffic
19.    Inability to complain
20.    A love of curtain twitching
21.    Starting the day with a fry up
22.    Washing the car on a Sunday
23.    The ability to laugh at ourselves
24.    Reading a newspaper
25.    Clever sense of humour
26.    Being overly polite
27.    Love of the package holiday
28.    Wanting a good tan
29.    Working long hours
30.    Taking the mickey out of others

Click on the image above to read 20 more!


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