Monday 2 September 2013

Here continues the summer sun!

Good news, the fine summer is set to continue as we head into September. Forecasters are predicting a late burst of summer sunshine and warm weather as Britain heads into autumn. The UK has enjoyed its warmest, driest and sunniest summer since 2006, according to Met Office figures. For south-east England and East Anglia this will be the driest summer since 1995.

Over the weekend those in the south enjoyed temperatures which reached 22C allowing families to make the most of the good weather on Britain's beaches and parks before returning back to school. But it is looking even more glorious for this week, with parts of the country expected to reach highs of 28C,

Helen Rossington, a forecaster for MeteoGroup, the Press Association's weather division, said: "You don't get an Indian summer until you have already had a frost, but it is going to be warm and we will see temperatures possibly go up to 28C on Wednesday and Thursday.

"While it is going to be nice in the south, it's not looking great for the north, west Wales and Northern Ireland, where conditions are expected to be cooler and cloudier and temperatures will only get up to 19C.

"Things will go a bit downhill towards the end of the week, with unsettled conditions and thunder and rain moving up from the south." Oh no!!!

Oxford looks glorious in the sunshine, enjoy it this week:

Source: The Guardian
Photograph: Martyn J Whelton

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