Thursday 26 September 2013


Are you ready for the new hip word on the streets?  Well it is: ratchet.

To the cool kids of 2013 to be 'ratchet' is the ultimate compliment - your outfit can be ratchet, your hair can be ratchet, your nails can be ratchet.  It's very Rihanna!

The word made its first appearance in the late 1990s when it was taken to mean 'real, ghetto, gutter'.  It comes from a working class area in Louisiana and has featured in hip-hop music over the years.  However in the last year, 'ratchet' has been taken on by an new posse - the teens of Middle England.  It now signifies a certain look: heavy jewellery, vintage Moschin, bright trainers, tight shorts.  It is 'part 1990s, part ghetto fabulous'.

There is some debate around the word and the connotations are not always positive.  But for those who have newly acquired the word it is used to mean something positive and real, neither insulting nor a badge of honour.  It is the new hip slang word on the streets!  Get yourself down to Topshop and get some ratchet earrings, hot pants and leggings.  Its definitely what I have planned for tomorrow's lunchtime.

No photo: For key ratchet looks google Rihanna, Beyoncé and Lady Gaga!

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