Tuesday 3 December 2013

Weather blog post!

It has been a while since the weather has been in the blog spotlight.  I would say far too long.  And today's post comes with a little warning - get your mittens at the ready.  Yes, it is looking like we are going to have a rather chilly few days ahead!
Weather forecasters have warned of snow on the way for parts of the UK as a blast of Arctic wind sweeps across the country.

Nicola Maxey, a spokesperson for the Met Office, said lower-than-average temperatures for December would move across the country towards the end of the week, with some northern areas not getting much above freezing and southern regions significantly colder than usual.

“With the Arctic wind blowing across from cold maritime air, people will really feel the cold," Maxey comments.

The severe weather warning is in place across everywhere north of East Anglia between midnight and 6pm on Thursday (I would recommend not venturing north of Oxford).

Over the weekend, conditions are expected to become milder, with a greater likelihood of rain than ice and snow. Temperatures are not expected to be below average in the coming weeks, however the big question remains will we have a white Christmas? 

Source: The Telegraph, The Independent 

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