Friday 5 September 2014

The Pubs of Oxford

As the prospect of a sunny weekend in June looms over Oxford city, many students, residents and visitors alike will be turning their thoughts to the Great British institution that is the pub.
Oxford is of course, a city synonymous with academics and academics are of course synonymous with drinking, so much so that Cambridge professor of history Gillian Evans terms drinking as 'the civilized accompaniment to the business of academia'.
Indeed prompted by the presence of the university Oxford has developed a famous pub scene and many of the city's most iconic residents and visitors over the ages have marked the pages of pub lore - The Inklings writers group which boasted J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis amongst it's ranks regularly convened in the Eagle and Child public house and it was in the beer garden of the labyrinthine Turf Tavern that former-U.S. President Bill Clinton infamously 'did not inhale'.

Whether or not one is partial to a pint, no visit to Oxford would be complete without soaking up the atmosphere in one of it's historic ale houses. Each Tuesday our students are offered the opportunity to spend an enjoyable evening on the OISE Oxford pub crawl, and after a day of intensive study, who could possibly begrudge them some mid-week relief?

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