Showing posts with label Adjective. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adjective. Show all posts

Monday 3 September 2012

Adverb / Adjective + Enough

That's enough!

Why does enough sometimes come before and other times after the word it is describing?

Adjective / Adverb + Enough
When enough modifies an adjective or an adverb, place enough after the adjective / adverb:
Do you think he is strong enough to lift that weight?
I can't play the violin well enough to join the orchestra.

Enough + Noun

When enough modifies a noun, place enough before the noun:


He has enough money to buy a ticket.

I don't have enough time to go to the supermarket!

Once you think you've mastered the use of enough, click here to test your knowledge!


Friday 17 August 2012

Common Mistakes with some Adjectives and Adverbs

Common Mistakes with some Adjectives and Adverbs

Some words ending in –ly are adjectives, and not normally adverbs. Examples are: costly, cowardly, deadly, friendly, likely, lively, lonely, silly, miserly and unlikely.

Incorrect: He behaved cowardly.
Correct: He behaved in a cowardly manner.
Correct: He behaved like a coward.

Incorrect: He laughed silly.
Correct: He gave a silly laugh.

Incorrect: He lives miserly.
Correct: He lives in a miserly way.

In the sentences given above the words cowardly, silly and miserly are all adjectives which cannot be used to modify verbs. And because there are no adverbs for these meanings we have to use adverb phrases like ‘in a cowardly manner’ and ‘in a miserly way’ to express the same idea.

Incorrect: Just I had gone when he came.
Correct: I had just gone when he came.

Incorrect: Still I love you.
Correct: I still love you.

The adverbs still and just go before the verb. If there is an auxiliary verb, the adverb goes after the auxiliary verb and before the main verb. If there is no auxiliary verb, the adverb goes before the main verb. If there are two auxiliary verbs, the adverb goes between them.
I am still waiting for your reply. (NOT I still am waiting for your reply.) (NOT I am waiting still for your reply.)

They have just been informed. (NOT They have been just informed.)
She has just arrived. (NOT She just has arrived.)
