Showing posts with label Animals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Animals. Show all posts

Thursday 25 July 2013

Big Black Cat Alert

Snakes, piranhas, deadly spiders, crocodiles and killer bees are all animals that you would not find in the UK. In fact, there aren't really any wild animals that we need to worry about. Instead our green pastures are filled with sheep, cows and horses. Or are they?
In Somerset, a county west of England, there have been 'a “substantial” number of reported sightings of big cats in the past year,' thought to be either lynx or pumas. Sir Benjamin, a man living in the area, owns a large estate where these big cats have been roaming around. Allegedly they have also left the remains of chickens and foxes scattered over his lawn.
He said: “They don’t exactly stand still and pose, which is the problem. It’s got a long tail and seemed to be quite big.
“Apparently these things will do 30 to 40 miles in a night. We are next to the Somerset Levels, which are 250 miles of fields and bogs where nobody lives.
“There is a possibility that this thing is bigger than a puma – it is probably quite frightening.
“We have put signs up telling people to keep their dogs in the car because there is a big cat about.
“We need this thing out of the way before it eats somebody. I’ve got a wedding business here and we are very worried about our guests – they might wander off-piste and get gobbled up.”
So, next time you decide to do some hiking through the Somerset Levels at night, don't say we didn't warn you!

Monday 24 June 2013

The British and their ADORABLE Pets

It is no secret that the British public love having pets at home. Most of them tend to be either cats or dogs, however fish and reptiles are also pretty popular. 'In 2012, it is estimated that 48% of UK households have at least one pet. This is equivalent to 13 million households'.

To what extent do we love them?

Well, the website revealed that nearly 2 million of us pet owners would take our partners to court following a break up in a custody battle for a beloved pet. I think this answers that question.1

Views from around the world

For many of our friends abroad, the idea of having an animal living in your home is unnerving. Probably because the only cats and dogs they see are those roaming around dirty street corners, foraging through rubbish bins, spreading infections.

This is simply not the case in Britain. On the whole, domesticated animals are friendly and affectionate, and treated very well indeed by their owners. Apart from being cleaned on a regular basis, they also have frequent visits to the vet to check they are in good health.

If you are planning a visit to the UK, please do not be put off by our pets. While I would not suggest you eat from the same plate as them, remember that they are well looked after and friendly animals!

Click on the image below to read more UK pet stats: