Showing posts with label Awkward. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Awkward. Show all posts

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Awkward Job Interview Questions

Job interviews, however well you prepare, are almost always a daunting and often nerve-racking experience. Interviewers are not only thoroughly checking the substance of your CV (commonly referred to as 'unpeeling the onion'), they also want to see how fast you can think on your feet. 

There are, of course, the standard questions, like 'what do you know about our company?', and 'what interests you about this role?'. Providing you are prepared, these kind of questions are managable. It's the type of questions that require you to think outside of the box that can cost us the most.

Glassdoor, a jobs and career community that launched in the UK in February this year, have released 25 interview questions based on feedback from thousands of UK job candidates. 

Scott Dobroski, Glassdoor community expert, said: "These interview questions stood out as challenging.

"The job market continues to be very competitive and employers are trying to identify the best candidates. They are not necessarily looking for a right or wrong answer - they are looking at how candidates think on the spot."'

Here are a list of 10 awkward job interview questions listed by Glassdoor:

1. “If you were to win £1m what would you do with the money?” 
- Asked at PwC, Associate candidate (Birmingham, England)

2. “What do you think is the most useful function in Excel?” 
- Asked at FirstGroup, Business Analyst candidate (London, England)

3. “What makes you happy about work on a Friday evening?” 
- Asked at Tesco, International Deployment Manager candidate (London, England)

4. “How do you fit a giraffe in a fridge?” 
- Asked at UBS, Sales Trading candidate (London, England)

5. “What is it about this job you would least look forward to?” 
– Asked at BP, Category Manager candidate (London, England)

6. “If you were the Head of Barclays Corporate what would your strategy be with the recent European Crisis?” 
– Asked at Barclays, Risk candidate (London, England)

7. “If your friend was seriously injured and you had to get him to a hospital, would you speed 
and go through a red light?” 
– Asked at Barlow Lyde & Gilbert, Trainee Solicitor candidate (London, England)

8. “Would you rather fight a horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?” 
– Asked at BHP Billiton, Dry Bulk Marketer candidate (London, England)

9. “Tell me about a time when you failed at something.” 
– Asked at Lloyds Banking Group, Analyst candidate (London, England)

10. “What are the three words that your parents would describe you with?” 
– Asked at YO! Sushi, Team Member candidate (London, England)