Showing posts with label Bank Holiday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bank Holiday. Show all posts

Friday 23 August 2013

Classic Bank Holiday weather ahead...

So it's weather watch time at OISE Oxford as we fast approach the long weekend. And in keeping with the finest British traditions the August Bank Holiday weekend weather is set to be wet. 

It is strongly advised that the 14 million people who are predicted to take to the roads for an end-of-summer getaway, should pack an umbrella and a rain mac. Perhaps, it's best to play it safe and plan indoor activities especially for Saturday...

However, it is not all bad news, those who are heading to the south west and Wales should be a-okay. According to forecasters central and eastern areas are likely to see the worst of the rain

Monday is likely to be the best of the days with an area of high pressure bringing with it warmer and more settled weather. (Kindly note, all OISE Oxford students the school will be open as normal on Monday, you will have soak up the Bank Holiday vibe and sun during your lunch break).

Despite the changeable conditions, temperatures throughout the weekend are likely to remain in the low 20s for most of the country with some areas in the south seeing 23C or 24C.

Happy Bank Holiday!

 Source: The Telegraph, The Independent