Showing posts with label Cursos intensivos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cursos intensivos. Show all posts

Thursday 18 July 2013

Student Spotlight with Luis 'El Torero' Oloriz

At OISE Oxford we are fortunate enough to meet students from all around the world, many of them with very interesting stories to tell. The Student Spotlight sessions that we post on this blog allow us to share these stories with you. So far we have had a Florist from Italy and a famous actor.

Today's Student Spotlight session was with 37 year old Luis Oloriz, a bullfighter from Ondarreta, a small Spanish pueblo near San Sebastian. At first sight you wouldn't think that Luis was a bullfighter. He has a slight build, soft calm voice, and not a hint of bravado about him. His bullfighting name was, rather appropriately, 'The Slim One from Ondarreta  (El Finito de Ondarreta . It's hard to imagine him in the ring with a 300-400kg charging bull. So here is the interview:

Q: When did you start getting into bullfighting?
A: I started about 10 years ago, just as a hobby. A local farmer friend of the family had a field and some bulls and said I could give it a go, and so I thought why not try it. It was soon apparent that I was actually quite good and I was encouraged to partake in a proper bullfighting event.

I should add that in Spain there are two types of professional bullfighters, a Torero and a Matador. Toreros fight more on a local level with slightly smaller bulls and the Matadors are, if you like, the equivalent of the football Premier League footballers, with only 12 Matadors in the whole of Spain.

Q: Do you still fight?

A: No, I gave up about a year ago. But I miss it and would like to start again. At my level, it's not really a profession that provides enough income to live from. Most Toreros, right down to the younger age groups will study and/or train at the same time, as well as having a day job.

Training takes a lot of dedication. It is great for teaching the young ones to stay focussed. To improve, not only do they have to keep fit, but they also have to read up on the sport and remain committed. All of these are useful qualities for later on in life. Furthermore, bullfighters usually come from the small rural villages where there's not much to do, so it's fantastic to keep them active.

Q: What's the scariest moment?
A: I would say right at the start. In any given day there will usually be around 5-6 fights, and only just before the start of the match do they tell you which bull you will be fighting. Obviously they vary, weight, size of horns, aggression etc. Once you've agreed to partake in the event, no matter how big and ugly that bull is, there's no turning back, otherwise no one will involve you in the next one.

If the bull charges through the red cape without stopping, you're OK. If it hesitates before, that's when you've got a problem, as he might turn his horns towards you. You have to keep the cape moving while keeping your body still.

Q: It must be quite a feeling to know that everyone is cheering you on?
A: Well, to be honest I am not really concentrating on the crowd, but the big bull in front of me. I do enjoy the adrenalin, though, and I particularly enjoy the personal challenge. While you are part of a team, out there in the ring you are alone, just you and the bull.

Q: How many spectators will attend a bullfight?
A: Well around 10,000 spectators come to watch the Matadors, and 3,000 to watch the Toledos.

Q: So people must recognise you in the street?
A: Yes, of course. While the Toreros may have a smaller number of spectators, people come from all across Spain to watch us in the ring.

Q: Bullfighting is quite a controversial topic in Spain. What are you views?
A:Well, in Spain I think it's less to do with animal cruelty and more to do with political reasons. Many see bullfighting as being a typically Spanish tradition, and they do not think of themselves as Spanish, rather Catalan, Basque, Galician etc.


Tuesday 10 July 2012

Formato de la clase

Clases Tutorial™
1 alumno por profesor
El programa de formación se basa totalmente en clases individuales. Esto significa que la atención del tutor se centra en un alumno, lo que permite una asociación perfecta entre el contenido de las clases y los requisitos de aprendizaje del alumno.
La clase Tutorial también permite adaptar los métodos de formación al tipo de aprendizaje y al ritmo al que el alumno puede formarse con éxito. La formación mediante Tutoriales garantiza por lo tanto un avance máximo en un corto período de tiempo.
Clases Quatorial™
4 alumnos por profesor
Las clases se imparten en pequeños grupos de un máximo de 4 estudiantes por profesor. La clase Quatorial proporciona altos niveles de atención individual dentro de una unidad de aprendizaje pequeña y dinámica.
El escaso número de alumnos significa que el tutor puede atender totalmente a los objetivos y las necesidades lingüísticas de cada participante en el curso.
Taller de Producción Oral
12 alumnos por profesor
Una sesión de fluidez para ayudar al estudiante a superar los problemas e inhibiciones asociados a los actos en público. El feedback se enfoca en la presentación más que en la exactitud gramatical.
Sesión plenaria
Resumen de prensa
Sesión de 15 minutos cada mañana en la que los estudiantes seleccionados presentan al resto de la clase un análisis de noticias del día anterior para hacer un pequeño debate. Esta actividad sirve como calentamiento y tiene lugar al comienzo de cada mañana.

Thursday 14 June 2012

Información en español

Inglés en Oxford
OISE Oxford se encuentra en el corazón adoquinado de esta extraordinaria ciudad. Situado sobre el histórico mercado cubierto y rodeado por sofisticadas tiendas y cafés continentales. Es  la más antigua de todas las escuelas OISE, combina los elementos tradicionales del edificio con unas modernas instalaciones. 

La ciudad de Oxford
Centro de excelencia académica y esplendor arquitectónico, Oxford es el lugar ideal para perfeccionar su inglés. Eche un vistazo en las librerías que encontrará en sus estrechas calles, coma en uno de los elegantes restaurantes de la ciudad o empápese del ambiente de uno de sus históricos pubs. Sea cual sea su preferencia, Oxford tiene algo que ofrecer a cada persona. Paraíso para los turistas, la ciudad ofrece numerosas oportunidades para tomar fotografías: visite la bonita pradera y el college de Christ Church y vea dónde vivió la verdadera Alicia en el país de las maravillas, dé un paseo en barca por los ríos Cherwell o Támesis y relájese con un picnic al aire libre a la orilla del río.

La belleza de Oxford es sorprendente durante todo el año, ya sea viendo jugar al críquet en los parques en verano, paseando por el exuberante campo en primavera o disfrutando de los tonos rojizos y dorados de los frondosos senderos en otoño.
