Showing posts with label Duke's Cut. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Duke's Cut. Show all posts

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Life After OISE Oxford

As I approach the final 3 hours of my time at OISE Oxford, life over the last year and a half goes whizzing before my eyes. From the Monday morning 8:40am presentations, to Friday's farewell drinks and nibbles, from summer punting, to the legendary historical pub crawls.

Things I will miss:

1. Colleagues
I will miss them all, the teachers and the admin staff on floor C. I will be reading this blog on a regular basis to keep up with what is going on. Weather articles from Sam, food related blog posts from Jo and of course Kit's predominantly Oxford related posts. 

2. Students
They are great. Not only as people but as English language learners. I have seen students that when they first arrive can hardly string more than three words together, and then to hear them confidently chatting away after only a few weeks is amazing.

I will be off to run a pub in the centre of Oxford called the Duke's Cut. According to Google maps, it is 8 minutes walk from OISE Oxford. There's a lovely terraced area looking on to the canal, great home made food, and we will also be showing live national/international football along with other sports. It would be great to see you there.

Goodbye and good luck all!