Showing posts with label English breakfast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English breakfast. Show all posts

Tuesday 27 August 2013

The Full English Breakfast

The English are famed for the 'Full English Breakfast'.  This hearty breakfast is a perfect start to the day, especially at the weekend when there is time to savour its culinary delights.

The Full English is a personal thing and it is possible to swap in and out of its famed ingredients.  Though it is typically seen to favour meat eaters, it can be most definitely be adapted to vegetarians.

The key components are the following:

Scrambled eggs are my preferred choice, they are the perfect accompaniment to toast.  However, others rate poached and fried eggs.  In any case, you can't go too wrong.

Must be pan-fried and seasoned properly, perhaps with parsley.

Baked Beans
My favourites are Branston's baked beans which are super tomatoey and delicious.  Many do favour the well-known Heinz variety, but I would encourage trying Branston - you are certain not be disappointed.  I recommend heating them at a low heat, over a fairly-long-sih period of time for a perfect stewed consistency.  Yum!

Toast / Bread
I am a great fan of toast. It offers the perfect platform to pile baked beans, eggs, sausages etc on top. Whilst bread is an option for those who want to mop-up the remains of this great breakfast.

It is generally thought that a a plain pork sausage, moderately seasoned with salt, pepper, maybe a little sage is perfect for this morning meal.  More exciting sausages, such as chilli and caramelised onion, are best for evening suppers with creamy mashed potato.  As a big fan of the vegetarian sausage, I especially favour the 'Cauldron' variety.

Best to be cooked in the oven at a low temperature with a little oil, salt and thyme.  Grilled tomatoes offer the danger of being blazing hot on the outside, but still raw in the middle.  Best to get the tomatoes in the oven right at the beginning of cooking.

Other favoured ingredients include bacon, black pudding and hash browns.

Though, the 'Full English Breakfast' is just a taste sensation, I would say you can't beat starting the day with a nice bowl of porridge.  The oaty goodness is wonderfully warming and just every so tasty.  Breakfast is truly the best meal of the day!