Showing posts with label Golf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Golf. Show all posts

Tuesday 10 September 2013

5 Ways to Keep Fit in Oxford!

Running has to be one of the easiest ways of keeping fit. All you need is a pair of running shoes and you're set. One of the great things about Oxford is that there are so many open green areas, all within a short distance of the city centre. A great place to start is the University Parks. Running along the river towards Summertown is my favorite route. The scenery is simply delightful; Punters, weeping willows and great open fields. 

If you're looking to beef up your upper body muscles, why not grab a few of your classmates and go punting. It's not the easiest of activities to master but with a bit of practice you'll get there. The secret to beginning punting is not to worry about the speed, but more about the direction - trees are the most common obstacle! If you need any tips, just ask one of the OISE Oxford students, most of them have reached pro level standard.

If you're into your swimming, there are a number of indoor and outdoor pools for you to try. Starting with outdoor pools, there's the Hinksey Heated Outdoor pool. Like most outdoor pools, It's currently closed for the winter, but will reopen again on May 3. There are also a number of leisure centers with indoor pools in and around the centre of town. Right in the centre there's LA fitness, and then heading north of Oxford there's the Marston Ferry pool. If you're looking for something a little more up market, there's the Virgin Active Health and Racquets Club.

Last but not least there's golf. There are many golf courses in and around Oxfordshire. In the UK, compared with the rest of Europe, the price for a round of golf is relatively cheap (average £15 - £30). This is probably because we have more rain to keep the grass green! Near to Oxford there's Hinksey Heights (inexpensive, but a little rough around the edges), North Oxford Golf course (well looked after but a little narrow), and Southfield Golf Club. To reach the more picturesque courses, you really need to have your own form of transport as they are out in the sticks. My personal favorite is Rye Hill, as it has excellent drainage for those oh so frequent rainy English days!