Showing posts with label Oxford City Council. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oxford City Council. Show all posts

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Horse Chestnuts for the Chop

By Kit Villiers, OISE Oxford tutor and Chairman of the Friends of Cutteslowe and Sunnymead Park.

Another of England's classic trees is under threat. The horse chestnut, better known to hordes of English schoolboys down the ages as the conker tree, has developed a deadly disease. Will it go the same way as the elm, which has virtually disappeared from our countryside?

Cutteslowe Park, Oxford's largest public park, has over 100 of these beautiful trees, many of them in three large avenues. Some trees are more badly infected than others, so one possibility that has been put forward is to remove the worst ones and replace them. However, at a well attended AGM recently, the Friends of Cutteslowe and Sunnymead Park were told that the problem with that solution is that new trees find it hard to get established against existing ones. The Council's tree officers therefore would prefer to fell a whole avenue at a time, and replace the chestnuts with something else. The denuding effect of this suggestion appalled some worthy locals in the audience, who in a questionnaire generally inclined to the view that if filling the gaps was not acceptable, at least we should spread out the felling as long as possible, perhaps over nine years. It was also suggested that after the first avenue has gone, we should take stock of the situation before demolishing any more. Unfortunately it would appear that all the chestnuts will go in time. The Council can't take the risk of a diseased limb falling and injuring someone - a distinct possibility in this very popular park - so they are not keen on delaying the felling and replacement process too long.

Luckily the news isn't all bad. There are 119 chestnuts altogether, 69 of which are in the three avenues, but this is out of a total of 1,711 trees in the Park as a whole. Also we can be quite imaginative in what replaces them. Here we have some choices, and nothing has been definitely decided. Should we retain the avenues with one species? Or perhaps a different type for each avenue, or even alternating types within the avenues? One possible replacement which has been suggested is liquid ambers. We've got one at home, and it looks lovely in the autumn, so I'll be supporting that as at least one replacement possibility. Let either Oxford City Council or the Friends of Cutteslowe and sunnymead Park know if you've got other ideas.

The other mitigating factor is that replacement saplings are likely to be be at least two metres tall even when first planted, so hopefully the Park won't look totally bare even if a whole avenue is taken out at a time.

What I want to know is what will schoolchildren do for conkers when all the conker trees disappear?

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Alert to all Nervy Oxford Cyclists!

Despite the wintry weather of this week, spring is fast approaching and therefore is a perfect time for the less-hardy and winter-shy cyclists to get their bikes out.  In recognition of this fact, Oxford City Council is partnering with Oxfordshire County Council to provide free cycle training for adults in Oxford to increase cycle confidence on the road.  

Councillor Colin Cook said the courses were "fantastic as they give people the confidence to cycle in Oxford which can be a challenging experience.   I hope people will take up these free courses and enjoy them".

The training is said to be "ideal for nervous cyclists".

A city council spokesman promised a "real cycling experience so that you are able to deal with traffic on short journeys such as cycling to work".

The sessions take place between 19 March and 30 April.  It is expected that they will be very popular and it is essential for people to book their places in advance.  

The 2001 Census results show that 15% of journeys made to work in Oxford were by bike. This compares with less than 3% for the rest of the England and Wales.  Oxford is an excellent and easily accessible city to explore by bike.  At OISE Oxford we encourage bike enthusiast students to hire a bike for their stay.  Its an easy way to see the city and beat the morning commute.

Happy and safe cycling to all!
