Showing posts with label River. Show all posts
Showing posts with label River. Show all posts

Friday 3 May 2013

Punting Season is Back!

Fact: Punting is one of the most enjoyable past times known to man. For those of you that don't know what it is, think Venetian gondola, but instead of a curled oar you control the speed and direction of the boat with a long (approx. 4-5 metre) pole.

In Oxford people mainly punt on the River Cherwell, which flows from the north of Oxford, through the University Parks, joining the River Thames next to Queen's College Recreation Ground in Southeast Oxford.

Mastering the art of punting takes a while, but with a little patience, most people get the hang of it fairly quickly. For those of you that are yet to experience their first attempt at punting, think direction not speed.

Here at OISE Oxford, punting is an essential part of our cultural leisure programme, and we are thoroughly looking forward to this year's punting antics! To see some of the photos from last summer's OISE Oxford punting sessions, click on the photo below.