Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts

Thursday 9 January 2014

First weather related blog post of 2014!

The weather has certainly been dominating the news lately.  I have been gripped by the 'Polar Vortex', which has hit the US.  And I have been all about the stormy weather in the UK.  In particular, I have been fascinated by the huge waves which have been battering the coastline.  

However, the weather in the UK is set to change.  We will move away from the rainy weather of recent weeks to wintry conditions.  Monday will see the start of the wintry conditions with cold air coming in from the US.  However, do not panic forecasters have stressed we will not experience the sub zero temperatures which have hit the US.

The Met Office predicts an increasing risk of snow, mainly over hills, and ice.

Spokesperson Laura Young said: “Into the weekend and next week we are going to see temperatures return to normal levels for this time of year which will make it feel a lot colder and bring a risk of frost, fog, and wintry showers."

December 1 is officially the beginning of winter, but the last six weeks have proved unseasonable, with temperatures in double figures and last month the eight warmest December on record.

“We have had a very mild start to our winter and I think that people might get a bit of a shock next week,” Young said.

The temperature is expected to drop to average for January – around 4C.

So it is time to (hopefully) put away those waterproof trousers and wellington boots and time to reach for the woolly hat and socks.

Please feel free to be in touch with your British weather related experiences, we would love to hear them!