Friday 16 November 2012

Nerds and Geeks are making a comeback!

Let's start by looking at some definitions of the word "nerd" and "geek", which both basically mean the same thing.

An intelligent, single-minded expert in a particular technical discipline or profession

- source: Wikipedia

a peculiar or otherwise dis-likable person, especially one who is perceived to be overly intellectual.

- source:

Were you a "nerd" at school, or just a little bit "geeky"? I was never either I don't think, but I remember clearly the people that were. Back in my day to be called a nerd or a geek was considered to be a little bit of an insult. These words would generally refer to:

a. Kids who would be more interested in reading the latest Lord of the Rings book than playing with their school mates (often because their mates were few and far between).
b. Completing the last level of Tetris on the hardest setting
c. Working out how to crack the school computer system

It wasn't just acting like a geek that gained you this rather unpleasant title, you had to look the part too. It wouldn't be unusual for the a so-called geek to wear glasses and wear clothes that were clearly different from their peers.

My colleague Jo rather reluctantly admits that she too was a little geeky. She argues that it was only a phase, though. The less forgiving types would say that once a geek, always a geek - Sorry Jo!

But it appears that geeks are now making a comeback, and this is largely thanks to our international superstar, Harry Potter. Click on the picture below to read more.

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