Monday 19 November 2012

When is an appropriate time to start talking about Christmas?

(NOTE: Please listen to this song while reading this blog post)

The office staff at OISE Oxford are torn. Half of us are adamant that we simply cannot start discussing Christmas festivities until at least the beginning of December, while the other half are finding it hard to suppress their bubbling excitement. 

Some of the dangers of starting Christmas too early:
  • Too many mince pies can lead to a sharp increase in body mass
  • Christmas tunes can lead to acute irritation with everyone around you
  • By the time Christmas day arrives, you have already had enough of it all
Personally I can't get enough of it all. The more Christmas related chat, the better. Bring it on, ho ho ho. This Friday the Christmas lights will be turned on in Oxford, and there's an evening of festive cheer to follow. Get your crackers and stockings out and let's have a good time!

The image above is of a character called Scrooge from Charles Dickens' famous novel, A Christmas Carol. Click on the image to read more!

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