Thursday 17 January 2013

Lets keep tip top with these snow tips

Ears, fingertips, bald heads, toes are all prone to the vicious bite of coldness. As the snow flakes fall all around Oxford City, one can't help but feel a desperation for warmth. The OISE Oxford team have decided to share four tips with their readers on how best to deal with the snowy weather that is affecting us at the moment.

Tip one:
Get jogging. If you have to walk somewhere, jog instead! Sounds like quite a bit of effort, but it's a great way to kill two birds with one stone - it's exercise and keeps you warm!

Tip two:
If people are going to travel they need to be well prepared. That means packing food and drink, a shovel, warm clothing and making sure their mobile phones are fully charged in case they break down.

Tip three:
If you are travelling by car, a top tip is take some old carpet. It can be useful in the event you get stuck in the snow. It can give you some traction.

Tip four:
Don’t try and fight it – embrace it! Whip out the sledge and run for the nearest hill. There’s no better stress remedy than a snow day.

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