Monday 28 January 2013

The Six Nations 2013, Meat and Muscle

Great Britain takes its rugby mega seriously. For those of you that are not so familiar with the sport, think football, but instead of kicking the ball to your players, it is passed by throwing hand to hand. You can only pass to your players if they are behind you, and the points are scored by touching the ball down on or beyond the opponent's try line. For more information about the history of the game, and for a sweeping generalisation of the the type of people that play it, see this blog post.

So why are we talking about rugby? Well, this Saturday marks the start of the RBS Six Nations, a rugby tournament in which France, Italy, England, Ireland, Wales and Scotland all compete. England, who are currently ranked 5th in the world, will be playing against Scotland, who are currently ranked 12th. The excitement has no boundaries - the pubs are going to be brimming with big burly men with flags painted on their faces and Guinness - glory be!

Click on the image below to see some of the other fixtures that are taking place.

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