Tuesday 23 April 2013

Language Learning with British Films

Learning a language is not an easy feat. First there's the pronunciation, then there's the grammar, then there's having the confidence to actually spit it out!

Of course, reading is one of the best ways to improve. Even if you don't understand every word, providing you can get to grips with the general gist of the text, the missing vocab will come with time and practice.

Sometimes, though, especially after a long day's work and/or studies, you're really not in the mood for any more reading. All you want to do is flop.

So why not watch a film? Providing you have internet access there are any number of online film sites which don't cost very much at all. These include
Filmflex, Lovefilm, where you can stream thousands of movies for a small monthly subscription. Many of them come with subtitles, too.

Click on the image below to see Empire's top 100 Best British Films Ever!


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