Tuesday 18 June 2013

Spend the night in a 'Superprison'?

Spending a night in prison must be quite an unpleasant experience. Cold, dank, grim and eery is how I imagine them to be, not to mention the noise from the other cells.

But what about staying in a 'superprison'? Superprisons are old prisons that have been made into hotels. In Oxford, one of our most luxury hotels, The Malmaison, is an old prison. The trend is starting to spread across the UK. Our friends at OISE Boston will also be able to tell you about the Charles Street prison that was converted into an incredible 5 star hotel!

'A thinktank has suggested that notorious nicks such as Dartmoor, Wormwood Scrubs and Pentonville could be reinvented as boutique hotels. Where once meals were shoved through hatches in the door, Bolly and blinis will be delivered on room service. In-room massage treatments will replace doing time on a hard bed.'

I'm sure if you didn't know it was a prison sleeping there wouldn't feel strange at all, but just the thought would bring shivers down my spine!

Click on the image below to read more:

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