Monday 17 June 2013

We are all going on a Summer Holiday

OISE Oxford enjoys having it pulse on British weather related news stories, and today there is a breaking good news weather story... its going to be fairly warm this week.

Britain looks set to enjoy temperatures up to 27C this week after forecasters revised last week’s estimate that June was to feature "typical" English summer of driving rain and cold winds.  The Met Office now predict a heatwave that will bring the hottest day of the year as thermometers reach 27C on Wednesday.

"This is going to be a warm week and Wednesday will easily be the hottest day of the year so far," a Met Office spokesman said, adding that the sudden change of fortune has been caused by a stretch of good weather on the Continent.

The Met Office reports, "We are going to see warmer air, but it’s not going to be unbroken sunshine and it’s going to be very humid as well. If the sun breaks through we could see 25 or 26 degrees tomorrow."

Excitingly for weather nerds and everyone in the OISE Oxford Office the Met Office has organised a summit to discuss seasonal variability at their headquarters in Exeter tomorrow.

The meeting will see leading meteorologists and scientists consider the reasons for phenomena including the summer floods in 2012, the freezing winter of 2010 and the widespread snow in May this year. I am in eager anticipation for the results and I am certain there will be a blog post to follow regarding this!



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