Tuesday 17 September 2013

The Sandwich

The British love a good sandwich. It is part of my daily ritual. In many ways it is a focus of my day, well until I eat it at lunchtime. I get up, I make my sandwich, I have my breakfast (not usually a sandwich), I try and remember to pack my sandwich in my bag, I cycle to work with my sandwich in my bag (hopefully), I finally eat my sandwich at 12.30. Sometimes at 12.00 if I am very hungry, sometimes at 13.00 if I have filled up on biscuits in the morning. And every day I enjoy my sandwich.

As you've probably heard, the sandwich is said to have been invented in the 18th century for John Montagu, fourth Earl of Sandwich. An enthusiastic and tireless gambler, he called for some roast beef between two slices of toast to be brought to the gaming table so he didn't have to interrupt a mammoth 24-hour session. What a guy! He had his priorities (gambling) and by having such focus he created one of the world's greatest culinary dishes (the sandwich)!

The British are especially famed for the cucumber sandwich, which are most often served for a light snack or at afternoon tea. In addition, cucumber sandwiches are served in the tea break at club cricket matches.

Click the cucumber below to find out how to make the perfect cucumber sandwich.

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