Wednesday 18 September 2013


So it does seem that this week summer might have truly ended and as we face the cool evenings we are reaching for blankets and woolly socks. The balmy summer has left us struggling to adjust to cooler weather with gas usage up 15% compared with same time last year despite temperatures only being marginally cooler than 2012. September this year is just 0.25C cooler than last, leading to suggestions that homeowners are experiencing a "faux winter" that appears colder than it actually is.

According to energy company Npower, energy usage surged by 65% over the weekend as homeowners turned up the heating to battle with the 'cold'. Npower predicts that demand will drop again at the end of the week, with the "big switch-on" likely to take place in the last weekend of October, when the real despair of the long British winter begins. According to the company, around 60% of Britons will make the switch to regular central heating before the leaves have fully dropped, around the evening of Saturday 26 October.

Npower's managing director of energy services, Simon Stacey, recognised Britons' pain. "We've had such an amazing summer, but because it's been so good with hot, sunny weather for months, now that it's dropped off a little people think it's colder than it really is," she said.

In good news, it is set to get warmer this weekend. Get those summer shorts back out!

Source: The Guardian

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