Friday 19 July 2013

Hot Hot Hot

How much do you know about the weather?

I love the weather. I especially love the unpredictability of the British weather. I love checking BBC Weather on a very regular basis. I love to see what we should expect in a day, hour by hour. I love to know what to expect in the next 5 days. I love the weather. I love the weather forecast.

In Britain we have had one of the coldest winters on record and now we are experiencing one of hottest summers in recent years. The heatwave is in its seventh day today and if it continues until July 25th it will be the longest heatwave on record in the UK. This would beat the summer of 1976. Britain has already recorded its longest spell of high temperatures since 2006. 

In the wake of all these summer weather facts, I was absolutely delighted to see that the Telegraph has devised a weather quiz to test our summer weather knowledge. Check it out here.


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