Wednesday 24 July 2013

It's a boy!

OISE Oxford are slightly behind the times with this blog post, but it is a boy! The third in line to the throne was born on Monday, he was shown off to the world yesterday and today the Queen has visited the newborn. What busy times the Duchess and Duke of Cambridge are having.
It is now believed that the newborn and co. are heading to Catherine's family home in Berkshire.
The baby is yet to be named, however the bookies have the following as likely options:
George (5 - 2)
Alexander (7 - 2)
James (8 - 1)
Arthur (9 - 1)
Louis (10 - 1)
At OISE Oxford we are all hoping for Darren, there is definitely a ring to King Dazzer. Surely? We cannot wait to hear what will be revealed. I have my ears to the ground - perhaps I should head to Berkshire to be closer to the decision making hub?
Congratulations Kate and Will!


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