Showing posts with label EmployAdam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EmployAdam. Show all posts

Thursday 3 January 2013

The New Way to Get Your Dream Job!

We all know that youth (15-24) unemployment in the UK is not in great shape. Currently there are around 20% out of work in the UK, compared with average eurozone figures of 23%, and Greece and Spain over 50%! 'So how long will this last?', people ask. 'Don't know', is the response. It could take 2 years, it could take 10. Economic forecasters have predicted a varied number of time frames, but of course no one can be sure.

Adam Pacitti, a recent graduate from Winchester University recently obtained a first class degree in Media Studies. He has been desperately searching for a job for over 3 months, sending out a whopping 200 CVs, to no avail. He suddenly came up with a plan, and that was to spend his last £500 on a big billboard in Camden, London, to advertise his services (and the fact he didn't have a job). Within hours, he began to get replies from various media organisations offering him employment opportunities. With over 10,000 tweets of support, and an overwhelming amount of emails, Adam will surely be spoiled for choice.

Click on the image below to read more, and follow him on Twitter @adampacitti for updates!