Showing posts with label Media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Media. Show all posts

Monday 7 January 2013

To Print, Or Not To Print...

The cost of printing is something that can make a big difference to the outgoings of any business and organisation, not to mention the damaging effects it has on tree numbers and wildlife.

The question is, with all the technology that is available in this day and age, do we actually need to use paper? Surely everything can go digital. If not to save the trees and wildlife, to save money!

BBC reports that 'a school in Bolton is pushing the boundaries of education by putting away pens and paper and giving all pupils and teachers their own iPad [...] it helps students and has cut costs, including reducing the school's £80,000 photocopying bill to just £15,000 a year.'

What are your thoughts? What are the advantages of going paperless? Could new tax incentives be introduced to encourage businesses follow this school's example?