Monday 21 January 2013

Video Games – A Gift Or A Curse?

Tick tock, tick… tock. Before you know it, the whole day has flown by. Dinner, brush teeth, bed.
According to recent statistics, 95% of teenagers play video games, many of them regularly, and for worryingly long stretches of time. If it’s not FIFA, it’s Call of Duty, and if it’s not Call of Duty, it’s Far Cry.

But it’s not just spotty teenagers that are slowing down the family internet connection. Meet Mrs Hilda Knott, 85 years old (86 next month), and massively into her gaming. With her 65 inch TV monitor hooked up to the XBOX, there’s nothing more Knott likes than a good old session on Grand Theft Auto.

For those of you that have never heard of Knott’s favourite game, Grand Theft Auto, ‘players must find and use a variety of vehicles and weapons while roaming freely in an open world setting. The objective of such games is to complete a sequence of core missions involving driving and shooting’.1

Personally, I can’t stand video games, but that’s probably because I am awful at them. And watching other people play is even worse. No offense to Hilda, but I’m probably a bit old for them, too! Click on the image below to read more about Hilda.

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